"hungerdunger" wrote in message
"James Brown" wrote in message
Looks like the area of precipitation has now developed off the west coast
of Wales and is heading inland. Temp here has stabilised at about 1.7 on
the coast, but DP -2 so interesting to see what comes in the next couple
of hours.
I notice the MO has updated the forecast to show heavy snow for SW Wales
After an interesting afternoon sky - completely clear to the south, but
dramatic cloud formations towards the NW, we've had two heavy snow showers
here (near Carmarthen) totalling about 2 - 3cm so far, but looking like
more is on its way.
I thought these clouds looked interesting (they looked a bit more dramatic
than the picture conveys). Can anyone identify them, and were they
indicative of the snow which was on its way? (Picture taken at 13.45 today)
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