Mind you Pete B, the Telegraph soon printed the Weather Action twaddle back
in autumn 1980 way before the "dumbing down" process.
"Pete B" wrote in message
"Keith (Southend)" wrote in message
Thanks for that Will.
I always like to read these long range forecast, whoever has a go, but
we all expect a bit more than guesswork or rhuematics playing up, if
you know what I mean. Andrew does seem to be having a go using the
information available. I have read his forecast upto the end of
January 2004 and couldn't realy see where the Daily Telegraph got the
severe winter idea from. So I think it is the Daily Telegragh who is a
bit red faced over this adn I guess P.E. told them so.
"Enter the Bartlett High from the left"
Keith (Southend)
It is only IMHO Keith but in the last few years, I genuinly feel the D
Telegraph has severly 'dumbed down' and become little more than a joke
compared to what it used to be say, 10 yrs or so ago. Vey much self
and sometimes blatantly wrong journalism on many issues. I rarely waste my
money buying it these days, once it was my regular newspaper. The best bit
now, I have to say, is the Sat/Sun weather column by, well, you know who.
Please take my dog out twice to e-mail
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Weather Home & Abroad
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 17:03:06 +0100, "Will"
================================================= ===================
This posting expresses the personal view and opinions of the author.
Something which everyone on this planet should be able to do.
================================================= ===================
Andrew Bond has now set up a web page explaining exactly how Metcheck
makes its
predictions from NOAA information.
Andrew says he will link this to the front page as well.
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