Lucky or what ?
"Yokel" wrote in message
"Hugh Jampton" wrote in message
| Lots of Met Office Flash warnings of severe weather tonight. I live in
| N. E. Lincolnshire (Yorkshire & Humber). We don't have a flash warning
| our little area is surrounded most of the country that does. A very
| green bit in the middle of all those flash warnings.
| This has happened before. Strange or what ?
Is there a metropolitan area which is a "Unitary Authority" (runs all
services without the County, District, Local levels everywhere else) round
your part of the world? If so, it is most likely the warning has been
issued for the surrounding county but the unitary authority area has been
Happens quite a lot round here when the Met Office forgets that
and Portsmouth are geographically - if not administratively - in
- Yokel -
"Yokel" posts via a spam-trap account which is not read.
I don't think that the Met Office forgets about these little unitary areas.
In the case that you mention, you might find that the subject of the warning
is only likely in, say, north east Hampshire. Unfortunately, because the
Met Office seems to have a fixation on local government areas, the New
Forest (being part of Hampshire) gets dragged into the warning as well
although they are able to exclude Southampton and Portsmouth. The written
warning is sometimes a little more explicit.
Regards, Roger