It's coming your way Brian
"Brian in Aberfeldy" wrote in message
On Jan 4, 3:06 pm, "Phil Gurr" wrote:
After a balmy night of just -5.1C. and only another inch or so of snow, I
spent the morning digging out the car again and clearing some of the other
paths around the house. Finished about 13.30, came in for a coffee and the
next lot of snow started about 14.00. Still snowing at 15.05 with another
down. This is a more substantial snow belt heading south to Blairgowrie.
Snow now overtopping the wellies, will get the waders out of the garage
this lot stops.
Kyle of Sutherland, 40 miles north of Inverness
I am watching its progress on my excellent weatheronline radar.
Looking at the BBC telly forecast last night it may fragment and miss
us mostly!
Just been chipping snow and ice from the front and back door. I move
around the garden and outside through a series of paths cut in the
snow, like a trapper.
I think it'll largely hold together Brian as it's frontal snows rather than
a band of showers. I think another few centimeters is likely down here in
the Lowlands from it, although the beeb forecast rain amongst it for
Motherwell. Highly unlikely I'd have thought. When the wind swings more to
the east / north east as it's forecast to do tomorrow and Wednesday - I
think there could be the most significant snowfall yet of the winter here. A
north easterly in Winter never disappoints us in the eastern half of
Lanarkshire and the Met office NEVER forecast it as a problem when it always
is. That's consistency!
I have a series of ever larger footprints through the snow in my garden. My
neighbours' has a partly burried snowman that was constructed back on the
17th of December. His face has long since vanished under several layers of
new snow. But I'll bet there's a frozen carrot in there somewhere.