Hilton -6C
On Mon, 4 Jan 2010 21:45:15 -0000, "Martin Rowley"
... At 2145Z -4.8°C in my very sheltered garden enclosed by objects
that radiate nicely, so it must be even parkier out in the country! -6
at Hurn, with a gentle drift down the Stour valley.
Temp has shot up to -4 ( with a slight mixing of air I guess) And the
top storey inside is 11C which is most acceptable!
... I'm planning on something a bit more than that now: a few days
ago, I was dismissing the possibility of anything too significant, but
gathering all the dynamics together, the *risk* of something quite
substantial is higher than 50%, certainly high enough for me to make
sure that everything is to hand, like shovels, salt etc.
Yes- it is getting MOST exciting. And Wessex Water have been ( 2100)
and failed to stop the flow so the job is being done tomorrow. Just as
well, as the flow would fill a bath in 5 minutes.
Aiming to get back from work at 1600 so things can start then if they
wish to!