Joe B' Tells All - Watch Out .....
In message , Peter Thomas
I'm told the forecast - MetO via BBC presumably - has changed yet
again, Tuesday - tomorrow - won't give us lots of snow after all, but
Wednesday may. Local MetO still showing light snow and warnings still
set moderate for both days. I think I left that spade in the garage....
Spade indoors. Car off road on lawn. Am told BBC national forecast
didn't have snow for Surrey but BBC regional forecast did. The
post-match analysis should be fun.
NAE seems to be holding it back for Weds, likewise GFS and not many mm.
And WRF NMM at Meteociel seems to have a glitch in its timings - advance
from +24 to +25 and the local time goes back a few hours but the thing
seems to show precipitation nicely curved - presumably the occluded
front - here in the small hours of Wednesday.
Peter Thomas