Joe B' Tells All - Watch Out .....
In article ,
Col writes:
As I have already stated I think cold weather fans fully
appreciate the trouble it can cause. However that shouldn't
be allowed to diminish the interest in such extremes in
As for 'childid' well there has been six inches of snow here
overnight and there is not a breath of wind. All the trees are
coated and it looks absolutely stunning, it's quite a sight!
If appreciating something like that is childish then so be it.
What I do find infantile is the 'toys out of the pram' tantrums
from a few people when they don't get the snow they were
You won't get that attitude from me.
I like snow but I'm philisophical about whether it comes
or not, if it does great if it doesn't well there's all the next
set-up. No point crying over it.
What Col said.
I suspect that there's a far higher proportion of "snow lovers" amongst
those with a keen interest in the weather than there is amongst the
general population. (The enthusiasm for snow is very evident in the
writings of even such an eminent climatologist as Gordon Manley.)
John Hall
"Acting is merely the art of keeping a large group of people
from coughing."
Sir Ralph Richardson (1902-83)