[WR] Bewdley - an air frost at last
On Tue, 05 Jan 2010 19:27:34 -0600, David Buttery wrote:
Still light, as it has been throughout, but still coming down. I've not
been out, but would guess that there's 7cm or so on the ground now.
Tonight is exceeding my expectations for somewhere this far north! Temp
steady at -0.1°C.
In the end I did go out a few minutes ago, for one last look tonight and
a measure. 7-8 cm lying, which puts this event level with Feb 2007;
interestingly, in both cases Worcester (which you wouldn't think of as
that snowy either) got 10-12cm. Just a few flakes falling now, and so
small as not to be adding anything to the existing accumulation.
Temperature steady at -0.1°C.
Bewdley, Worcs. ~90m asl.