(WR) Romsey... thunder and lightning
2 rumbles of thunder, 12 hours apart to the minute.
The first storm was to the southeast at 0820Z and this one
occurred at 2020Z over to the west. Squally winds.
SYNOP 21/2050Z
03/// 41565 62410 10117 20091 40080 53015 72981 84930
333 81920 83825 90710 91132=
METAR 21/2050Z
EG// 212050Z 24010KT 9999 FEW020CB SCT025 12/09
Details at 2050Z:
wind... SW by W force 3 (gust 32kt in TS/shower).
visibility... 15km.
weather... cloudy (recent thunderstorm).
clouds... CB, CU, SC, AC.
dry bulb... +11.7C
dewpoint... +9.1C
RH... 84%.
sea level pressure... 1008mb (rising).
rainfall last hour... 0.6mm.
12 hour rainfall (09-21Z)... 1.5mm.
beaufort letters last hour... bc,ctloro,cpr,c. (TS and light rain
at 2020Z, then a moderate shower until 2035Z).
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire).