Time for Will/Dawlish to settle down the pessimists
"Dave Cornwell" wrote in message
"Mark Chamberlain (Southend)" wrote in message
Am I being over optimistic or am I missing something. There are a few
people posting a big change to the forecast over the coming 5 days. I
still see potential for snow over the coming days and beyond
especially down the eastern side of the country. My lack of indepth
knowledge may be letting me down here. Maybe Will or Dawlish could
enlighten me.
Hi Mark - see Jon's reply to my post above which explains the change for
today and tomorrow. I wouldn't think anyone is pessimistic now having had
snow. The 5cm here may not be much but it's enough to make everywhere
covered and pretty and enough for the kids activities.
Dave regardless shouldn't these said presenters. forecasters at least have
the decency to start off from where the last forecast ended and then explain
as Jon did.