On 2010-01-07 21:05:04 +0000, Scott W said:
On 7 Jan, 20:22, Trevor Harley wrote:
7.10 pm -6.0 (lowest of the day)
7.50 pm -1.3 (highest of the day)
A bit of cloud, a slight wind - what a difference though.
There goes my minus ten tonight.
elev. 185, 10 miles NW Dundee
Are you sure a cat is not sitting on it?
It is true that a rabbit has taken advantage of the snow to clamber,
somehow, over our defences and strip a baby holly bush of its lower
leaves over the space of a few nights, but I don't think even this
uber-rabbit has worked out how to scale a 1.1 m post.
This morning a blackbird showed good common sense by coming indoors
when my back was turned for a moment and warming herself by the
radiator for five minutes. A few sultanas, and she hopped happily out
again. I've ALMOST got them eating out of my hand now.
Still, the cloud is breaking, the wind dropping, and it's back to -3.3
- no, up to -2.2. It's all over the place.