[WR] 08JAN2009 West Moors/E.Dorset
On Fri, 8 Jan 2010 15:57:48 -0000, "Martin Rowley"
The sunward horizon has got that 'cold night ahead' red tinge to it.
1620 - back home briefly to check stove OK for my now familiar stoke-
it- up-quickly when I finally get back from work. It has been
seemingly very raw today partly because the wind has picked up with a
real 'edge' to it.
It seems the jury is out as to exactly what is going to fall in the
next few days: there are appeared to be a flurry of changes/additions
and shifts on the advisory front just before 1300. Indeed I read
through at about 1245, looked again at 1300 and noticed a number of
There has obviously been bird activity at the back and I have seen a
blackbird & a wren pecking away at the feast of delights!