"Brian in Aberfeldy" wrote in message
-5 C max today and now at 17:00 it is -10. Cloudless sky sunset with a
burnt orange glow and blue white snow. it was rather eerie. I have
chopped the logs and set the fire. All the wee ones have hot water
bottles on their laps for tea time. I always feel sorry for the
Shetland but i guess he shruggs it all off?
I am sure that the newsgroup will have a few spelling mistakes this
evening as many fingers will be crossed regarding recording low
temperatures. I have already seen myself unlocking the screen to read
-30 C tomorrow, i can see it now...
I can see another night of Freezing fog frustration for me Brian. It
lingered here for most of the day, subduing the maximum to a mere -6.0ºC. It
cleared off around 3pm, but I think it'll be back soon. If it's not, it's
set to tumble below -15ºC here and possibly knock on the door of -20ºC.
-30.0ºC.... You've been sampling the local water haven't you?

Glorious sunset here too, the southwestern horizon still has a stunning
green and azure glow 95 minutes after sunset... nautical twilight it's
called I believe.