Copley nowher near a snowlying record
On Jan 8, 6:31*pm, Ken Cook wrote:
Hi, All,
I read most posts on the ng and some make me look back at my record.
The recent one about consecutive snow lying days (50% or more) has
held my interest, and surprise.
Snow has covered all the ground here since 17th December which is 24
days tomorrow (even December 1976 was 24 days).
I looked at the big one 1978 / 79 in my record which ran from 29th
December to 1st March = 63 days.
After that I stopped looking, although February 1986 had full cover
throughout and more either side.
1963 would be even snowier but my record there is for Scarborough. I
think Durham Observatory was full cover all January and all February
and more. I have the record somewhere.
1947, the year of the 83 inches level in Teesdale, was full cover all
February and March plus some of January I think. I also have the
record somewhere.
Basically then Copley with 24 consecutive days so far is not yet
anywhere near and I'm amazed that some areas are approaching records.
Best wishes,
Copley, Teesdale
It will be interesting to see how long some of the snow piles last. At
my auction last night, in their yard, the snow pile was around 12 feet
tall, i would expect that it will be late march before it goes!