[WR] Fareham - Ice Day, double snow day.
On Thu, 07 Jan 2010 17:29:38 +0000, Dave Ludlow
Midnight - midnight:
Min -6.9 deg C, maximum -0.9 deg C so far, currently it's -3.2 degC.
Clear skies on complete snow cover, light NNW wind and it's safe to
say that I've had my first Ice Day since at least 2005 and probably a
lot longer (but an incomplete record before then).
So two days with complete snow cover (rare!), deepest snow (5 inches)
for at least 20 years here, all local roads with complete hard packed
and still white snow cover - and now an ice day.
Yesterdays max and min values were confirmed at my midnight reading.
Today, Friday 8 Jan, midnight-midnight:
Min -4.4deg C (occurred this morning)
Max -0.0deg C (phew, close!)
Current: -3.3 under clear skies so I should be safe in saying...
*Two consecutive Ice Days* (just!) and a triple 100% snow cover,
snow depth is still at 10cm and all roads for 10 miles around, except
for the M27 motorway and A27 trunk route (the latter is still
partially ice covered) are covered in hard packed snow. People are
getting about in their cars... albeit at 10mph to 20mph.
Solent MRSC has not recorded either day as an Ice Day, creeping 0.5 to
1 degree above, but we know their site is suspect. My readings are
well supported by the Southampton Airport METARS and further afield,
Thorney Island.
Fareham (W) Locks Heath