"Mike Tullett" wrote in
message ...
I've been following the contrast in temperatures and wind speed this
between here in the far W and NW, and places in the south east. It's
quite a persistent feature. Earlier this week we had a -1C, with
and surroundings well over 10C at night.
Last night we just had an air frost yet I see one station near London
+16C at 0600 GMT (What ever did happen to the cold spell being
last week in the media:-)). Wind speeds here have been much lighter
across in many parts of GB, with a virtual calm last night.
Hi, Mike,
We seem to be right in the middle of it. Gale force SW'ly Thursday
gusting to 62mph, calm Friday, then light NE'ly today.
Last night's min 12C Dishforth and Topcliffe, 5C in Newcastle.
Temp in Copley fluctuating wildly as the air masses change position, for
example 10C+ at 0700 today, 6C at 0800. A nightmare for forecasters, but
many of the forecast models for this week, issued last weekend, were
pretty accurate imho. The cold air looked a lost cause for most of
England even by last Saturday.
Best wishes,
Ken Cook, Copley (5miles north of Barnard Castle), County Durham.
(MO climat. site updated before 10Z and 19Z daily)
(All times GMT)
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