Copley nowher near a snowlying record
I read most posts on the ng and some make me look back at my record.
The recent one about consecutive snow lying days (50% or more) has
held my interest, and surprise.
Snow has covered all the ground here since 17th December which is 24
days tomorrow (even December 1976 was 24 days).
I looked at the big one 1978 / 79 in my record which ran from 29th
December to 1st March = 63 days.
After that I stopped looking, although February 1986 had full cover
throughout and more either side.
Same here Ken in Weston Coyney, 1978/79 saw snow lying here from 30th Dec
1978 to 1st March 1979,
total of 62 days, nothing else comes close!
Having said that I don't have my 1962-63 figure to hand.
You must be buried in the stuff now, looking at the radar most days, the
snow showers
coming into the North East seem endless!