It's health and safety mate ,,the're all terrified of being sued if somebody
slips over .
The litigous and nanny state is now firmly in charge so we'de better get
used to it
"Stephen Wolstenholme" wrote in message
On Fri, 8 Jan 2010 14:45:11 -0800 (PST), "
That winter, the snow started on Boxing Day 1962 and the big freeze
lasted until March 1963.
Blizzards caused snowdrifts up to six metres deep, telephone lines
were brought down and temperatures fell so low the sea froze over.
But with thousands of schools remaining shut, travel problems
continuing and power cuts affecting thousands of homes, how different
is it in 2010?
I was at school during that long cold winter. The school never shut.
It was about a mile walk to school. The snow drifts were a problem but
nothing that a few hundred kids couldn't deal with. I assume part of
the current problem with schools is that many children and parents
have given up walking!
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