Blackmore, Essex
Just back from a v pleasant walk around the village. Snowed lightly
thoughout, though varying in intensity from time-to-time, with a fresh
thin covering on the roads and the car windscreen (that I'd cleared as
I went out). V fine grains. No wind at all. Looking at my system,
it's been a constant 0.3C for the past hour. The ppn is just showing
on the radar, with stronger echos on the Kent side of the estuary.
Interesting that Keith was reporting a temp increase in Southend
earlier - it's fallen here consistently since 15.00 hrs when it was
1.2C, following a maximum of 1.4C at 10.50.
(Looking out of the window now, there are much larger flakes falling
than for some time past).
- Tom
Blackmore, SW Essex 80m asl