Not only did yesterday's thick cloud keep it dull all day but it kept
the temperature here in the range +0.0 to 0.9 deg C (midnight -
midnight). Currently, it's 0.4 deg C.
Last week's snow is still lying, 100% cover including hard packed snow
on all local roads and most local feeder roads. Where untouched, snow
depth is now down to an average of 6 cm as the very slow thaw
continues by day. Bushes and some trees still retain thick snow on
their leaves.
At 5pm today, there will have been 7 full days of complete snow cover
here - including on the beach at Lee-on-the-Solent which still had 5cm
of complete snow cover right down tio the high water line, at 9pm last
Remarkable times, in this part of the World. The kids absolutely love
this! Me too!