On Mon, 11 Jan 2010 22:02:58 +0000, MadCow wrote:
In message , cloud
dreamer writes
There's a great picture of the UK covered in snow on spaceweather right now:
Welcome to Usenet! By the time your post propagates to Yokels.net or
wherever ISP, Spaceweather says there's a huge sunspot forming, which
is news because we're just pulling out of a sunspot recession.
Apparently one good coronal mass ejection could be the end of
civilisation as we know it, because we're so dependant on electricity
and large networks just explode if a space storm hits them!
Here's the "Iceberg England" image for any that missed it:
And it does look like ol' Sol finally got the memo - there have been
some rather impressive sunspots in the last few weeks.
Here's one I photographed last month using thin clouds as a solar
filter. Really need to go buy some welder's glass... The currently
visible sunspot appears to be the same one I photographed, one solar
rotation later.
Bob ^,,^