Current model runs
In article
Dawlish writes:
.....and this morning's runs show something different - a possible re-
load of the easterlies. The gfs in particular seems to have cold ideas
in mind as soon as next wednesday, with a snowy easterly, but the ECM
holds fire on that one, but still shows a build of pressure from the
east. Out at 10 days, the gfs is still hanging on to the southerlies,
but the ECM is now leading on easterly re-establishment. As usual,
consistency and agreement for the cold (or mild) needed before any
forecast at T+240.
The 06Z GFS operational run, now out, in general seems to show good
consistency with the 00Z, again restoring an easterly by Tuesday or so
next week, and with that second polar vortex well to the east developing
once more.
John Hall
"Acting is merely the art of keeping a large group of people
from coughing."
Sir Ralph Richardson (1902-83)