snow at Brighton
On Jan 13, 10:37*am, tifrap
Situated 1 mile from the sea on south slope of the south downs 50m above
sea level.
Looked for the promised sleet and thaw last night until 1 am. none
Woke up this morning to an additional 4cm of snow that has added to the
unthawed snow from last snowfall, now totaling circa 10cm.
It is still snowing lightly at 10:30 am, the new snow is large dry
flakes and powder, not at all sleetlike. The roads are once again
snowed over and tricky to use.
The met office flash warning for today explicitly excludes Brighton &
Hove from the 'be prepared' area, it is a nice green colour, even
though all areas surrounding are orange.
A similar story for Greater London