In article
Dawlish writes:
Meteogroup are now producing ECM ens (and on the same graph as gfs ens
too) - the red and blue lines are the two operational runs,
respectively. Very useful!
I take it the "latest" is last nights 00Z, but I can't see where it
says that (help!). Lots of agreement for a cool-down next week, less
for a longer term "freezer" scenario. The ECM operational is a cold
outlier after 8 days (21st).
One surprising thing that I've just noticed, the GFS and ECM operational
runs at 00Z on the 13th differ by 5C in their forecast of the London
temperature at midnight tonight, ie at only 24 hours range. The GFS was
going for +2C and the ECM for -3C. I suppose they had differing opinions
about the amount of cloud cover, though -3C in London tonight strikes me
as over-egging it even if the cloud cleared.
John Hall
"Acting is merely the art of keeping a large group of people
from coughing."
Sir Ralph Richardson (1902-83)