In message , Dave Cornwell
Are people really stupid?
If you have to ask the question, the answer is quite likely to be yes.
Attitude of some is that someone else should have done something.
Thr Highways Agency have apologised but I don't
really understand why. It is a notoriously difficult spot and heavy snow was
clearly forecast for there, at least 24 hours ahead. I tend to avoid steep
hills in snow. It's a case of he who dares wins - or in this case loses.
Alternative view might be that these things happen, and you might want
to make your own judgement before setting out rather than official view
totally on trust.
Possibly I'm sounding a little bit tetchy. The usual communal
snow-clearing today so that the guys who haven't got 4x4s can get to
work. Plumber, we hope, coming tomorrow to replace the central-heating
pump. And every faintly social event I might have got to over the last
week has been scrubbed or assumed to be so. How long does it take to get
cabin fever?
Tedium relieved by an unexpected and pressing expedition to N London
last Thursday. Interesting to compare driving on very polished snow and
ice on gritless back-streets of N7 with less compacted gritless snow and
ice in Godalming. Speed-humps clearly evolved and prospered during a
mild couple of decades.
Peter Thomas