Decades Ago
On Jan 13, 11:59*pm, "Lawrence Jenkins" wrote:
Severe weather warnings *were put out in a past midnight slot on BBC2, This
stuff we get now is crap, multiplied by H&S and added to political spin. I
reall can't believe I'm the only person that sees this.
Many of rest of us (OK, excluding a very small number close to the
MetO, who feel this site is fine and dandy and who support it at every
opportunity) feel that the warnings site is something akin to a dog's
breakfast and hasn't been fit for purpose in this cold spell; some of
us have written for some time about its deficiencies.
You, on the other hand see the site's weaknesses as a support to your
own (fairly extreme and loony, it must be said) right-wing, anti most
things, agenda. The hobby horse you are presenty on Lawrence is one of
Health and Safety. It has been noticed, honestly, you've made your
point. You've criticised the police, other emergency services, NHS,
local government, Natiopnal Government, MetO, BBC and others!
The trouble is that no-one sees *your* agenda and that's why you are
bemoaning feeling on your own. With luck, this particular fixation
will have ebbed from you soon. I look forward to the next one that
grabs you! *))