Snow in England 4 [1/1]
"MadCow" wrote:
Crazy Ed writes
Introduce them to Truck Inner tubes. They slide easier than Metal or
Wood and when you're done with'em, simply deflate it and it packs away in a
very small space. Great Fun.
I'm not convinced, the large surface area could mean too much friction
on shallow park slopes and warm UK snow. But if we get any more snow
I'll blag a defective one off a tyre dealer, patch it and have a go.
Especially if I can't get my left runner straightened.
Lower coefficient of friction. They work Very Well. But if you're
really into basic grass roots minimum cost Snow sliding, heavy duty
cardboard boxes have served sliders for YEARS.
A nice round piece of plastic makes a hell of a sled...brakes are
A friend has a circular plastic thing like a dustbin lid with two
handles, which spins as you go down and dumps you backwards into a
bramble patch. It's fun.
Those have been around since............ Well a long time. I never
lived anywhere that that the cost could be justified.
Under British law brakes are not permitted.
A "toboggan" may be bought from a toyshop but may not be thrown away
unless it can't be repaired with permitted materials, which means scrap
or stolen ones. A "sledge" must be made by a blood relative using only
such materials.
You ARE kidding about the British laws ........... Arn't you?
Little kids slide on tiny plastic trays meant for toddlers: they're the
modern equivalent of the tin tea-trays of my childhood. I saw three
teenagers trying to slide in a sort of conga line. It fell apart and
teenagers went everywhere. It looked like fun.
The best fun is the kind that has zero supervision and less preplanning
;-). One tends to learn from their mistakes and really learn from those
mistakes that involve pain ;-)
Crazy Ed