Snow in England 4 [1/1]
"MadCow" wrote:
You ARE kidding about the British laws ........... Arn't you?
If I admitted it I'd have to shoot you.
Little kids slide on tiny plastic trays meant for toddlers: they're the
modern equivalent of the tin tea-trays of my childhood. I saw three
teenagers trying to slide in a sort of conga line. It fell apart and
teenagers went everywhere. It looked like fun.
The best fun is the kind that has zero supervision and less preplanning
;-). One tends to learn from their mistakes and really learn from those
mistakes that involve pain ;-)
They learnt to bale out before they reached the bramble bush.
Back in my youth we made skateboards using steel wheeled skates nailed
to 2" X 4" boards that we rode down sidewalks on hills and used bushes and
lawns as a "safety net" at the end of the block to avoid landing in the
middle of a street and becoming a Hood Ornament! ;-)
Crazy Ed