Icy pavements
I noted this yesterday evening, temperatures around 4ºC in a breeze, yet
concrete/tarmac (paths and roads) surfaces had ice on them. Would love to
have measured some concrete minimum's recently, but no spare thermometer.
The grass temperature was just above zero at the same time.
"Rob Brooks" wrote in message
More to do with thge very long cold spell and depth temperatures of the
pavements. The underlying materials will noit have had chance to respond
to the milder air yet and this causes the pavements "and roads" to cool
more rapidly than they would otherwise. A similar effect is noticed at he
other end of the spectrum when strong sunshine in spring warms the
underlying surface - snow is often seen to settle on grass and not on
pavements due the same physical process.
"Joe Egginton" wrote in message
Been out for a walk, temps 5c, yet the pavements are turning slippery and
Joe Egginton
175m asl