21 January 2010
Wokingham 0900z 210 02kt 2000m BR 2Sc030 5Ci300
+1.7/+1.4 QFF 1020.3 +1.3 in 3hr Total 6 okta
RMK COTRA Sc edge moving away to E. Overcast yesterday
afternoon and evening, and overnight. Rain/sleet at first, petering
out by 1800z.
09-09 Screen max 2.6 min 1.3 grass min -0.7
Rain 4.9 Sun (00-24) 0.0
AWS max 2.6 min 1.1
09-21 max 2.6 at 2051 min 1.1 at 0910
21-09 max 2.6 at 2220 min 1.2 at 0854
Wokingham 1500z 150 06/10kt 9000m HZ 2Sc020 7Sc025 7Cs250
+5.2/+1.5 QFF 1019.6 -0.7 in 3hr Total 8 okta
RMK Dry since 09z, with good sunny spells but increasing and
thickening upper cloud, and the arrival of a sheet of Sc latterly.
Max temp so far 5.5 at 1422z.
Bernard Burton
Wokingham, Berkshire, UK.
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