In article ,
Lawrence Jenkins writes:
"Will Hand" wrote in message
"Keith(Southend)" wrote in message
Gfs seems to be consistently not keen on cold weather in it's runs
lately. I know Will's mentioned it's gone off the rails a little, but I
just wonder whether it *may* turn out to be right?
I shall have to turn to another model to get my fix!
Keith (Southend)
e-mail: kreh at southendweather dot net
Keith, and others. The runs just don't look realistic as well as being out
on a limb. I mentioned several weeks ago that I felt it's handling of lows
on occasion was weird, some of the isobars in that 12Z run look shaky and
too wobbly it's almost as if there are numerical instabilities present in
the calculations. Sometimes its OK, but recently it has been unrealistic.
The 12Z GFS OP run is once again a warm outlier.
UKMO has been pretty good of late!
Yes but the UKMO model doesn't exactly stick its neck out does it, you
smooth talking devil.
My guess is that it's available internally in the Met Office out to more
days than the public gets to see, and of course as a Met Office employee
Will would get to see those extra days.
John Hall
"Acting is merely the art of keeping a large group of people
from coughing."
Sir Ralph Richardson (1902-83)