(Obs) Copley 25th Jan
On Jan 25, 10:30*am, Ken Cook wrote:
09Z-09Z 25th January 2010
Lead Mill 218m
Max 3.2C min -1.8C snow 13cm full cover
Met O 253m
Max 2.5C min -1.0C (night min -0.3C) grass -0.3C rain 0.7mm (part snow
melt) sun 24th nil snow 3cm fresh trace back up to 60% cover.
Current 1030Z NE 6KT vis 6km, snow grains, overcast, temp -0C dew -1C
Copley, nr Barnard Castle, Teesdale, County Durhamhttp://copley.website.orange.co.uk
Quite an impressive run for you Ken and few snow grains here, but most
to N & S of here. Only a few drifts left on the hills apart from the
mountains in various Tescos car parks. The frost hollow at Fimber
inland from here hung on a few days after most areas has lost their
David Mitchell. Langtoft. E Riding.