A polite suggestion for UKSW users.
On 26/01/2010 13:19, Dave Cornwell wrote:
Not really for me to say but I find now that most of the "bickering" seems
to relate around views on Climate Change. The clue really is the "W" bit in
UKSW that perhaps too much mileage is spent on this. Now as I see this as a
free group and am against censorship I was wondering about the use of a
prefix, like the [WR] which was to notify (the disinterested?] about a local
weather event or observation. How about [GW] then those not interested in
conspiracy theories, fiddling data or the politics of it all, on either
side, can ignore it or join in. Most of us probably know where we stand and
don't need weather threads being frequently hi-jacked with these , shall we
politely say, "discussions". I guess this is a bit tongue in cheek and I
don't suppose this would work or help but just a thought.
Well, I for one like the idea of that. It would allow me to save the
killfile for those that really deserve it.
Howard Neil