A polite suggestion for UKSW users.
"Dave Cornwell" wrote:
Not really for me to say but I find now that most of the "bickering" seems
to relate around views on Climate Change. The clue really is the "W" bit
in UKSW that perhaps too much mileage is spent on this. Now as I see this
as a free group and am against censorship ....
Dave, it's not anything to do with censorship, quite the contrary ...
it really is just a matter of each user showing courtesy to all other
users of the group by sticking to the charter. I suspect many recent
posters have not checked the group's charter, which has served us
well since u.s.w. was created 14 years ago, so here it is:
This group is essentially for the discussion of daily weather events,
chiefly affecting the UK and adjacent parts of Europe, both past
and predicted. The discussion is open to all, but contributions on
a practical scientific level are encouraged. It may also contain postings
of observations during interesting weather episodes. The group is
expected to be patronised by both amateurs and professionals
(including academics), but it is primarily for weather enthusiasts
rather than research scientists. Any discussion of climate issues
should be from a scientific standpoint and not a political (or
environmental-activist) one.
It is interesting that environmental activists were seen as
most likely to hijack discussions of climate topics in 1996.
There are many, many other rooms in the usenet house where
discussion of the political aspects of climate change is within
their particular charters and is therefore welcomed. It is, as
I said, simply discourteous to deliberately pursue these lines
of debate when they are expressly discouraged in the charter.