Martin Rowley wrote:
... measured of course:
I'm grateful to Julian Heming for letting me know of this:-
Date: 10th April 1996
Barrow Island, Australia
113.2 m/s: 253 mph: 220 kn.
[ replaces the Mount Washington value of 103 m/s: 231 mph: 201 kn 12th April
1934: this station is of course considerably higher than Barrow Island,
somewhere around altitude 1900 m / 6000 ft asl.]
More he-
and a useful listing of all 'official/accepted' extremes he-
Interesting to see that the location given for the highest significant wave
height measured by a buoy is somewhere in central Poland! I think they must
have an east/west cock-up.
Norman Lynagh
Tideswell, Derbyshire
303m a.s.l.