On Thursday 28 Jan 2010 12:20, Martin Rowley scribbled:
... For the last two months, I've been verifying the GFES ensemble
extremes output available he-
[ I'll be doing a full analysis sometime late February and posting it
to Roger so he can review and publish as he sees fit.]
Today's issue has the following minimum & maximum values for Heathrow
for the 9th to 12th February inclusive:-
MIN(18-06Z): -4, -5, -5, -6
MAX(06-18Z): 0, 0, -1, -1
For Hurn, same period
MIN: -6, -6, -7, -6
MAX: 0, 0, -1, 0.
For such low daytime maxima, the model must think there is a bit of
snow on the ground!
The thickness being below 510 over most of Britain on the 12th might help
also help a bit. ;-)
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. E-mail: newsman not newsboy
"I wear the cheese. It does not wear me."