09Z-09Z 30th January 2010
Lead Mill 218m
Max 1.4C min -2.9C snow 5cm 75% cover
Met O 253m
Max 1.0C min -2.9C grass -5.0C rain trace sun 29th 7.3hr snow patches
Current 1120Z, NW 13KT, vis 10km, few clouds (towards North sea
coast), temp 0C dew -8C, 1000mb
Felt coldest of this long winter as I returned at midnight last night
and this morning's check with Mr Davis shows why!
2350Z 29th Wind NW 24KT(F6) gusting 30KT temp -3C dew -10C windchill
10cm soil has fallen below 0C (-0.1C) for first time this winter as
protective snow cover has gone.
Current sunny spell could well bring month's total above average by
tomorrow in spite of 16 days having 0.1hr or less!
Month mean -0.1C atm, touch and go whether it stays below 0C by 09Z
Lead Mill -0.6C so far with a guaranteed 31 days frost (09Z-09Z) and
looking like 31 days 50% snow cover.
January 1987 was +0.1C at my site at Low Etherley (155m) so perhaps
around -0.5C here that year. Coldest for 22 years then, although
February 1994 (MMax 4.0C MMin -2.2C at Low Etherley).could have been
close here.
Copley, nr Barnard Castle, Teesdale, County Durham