privisional figures just out for Dec/Jan
"Rob Brooks" wrote in message
Yes well spotted my mistake
Coldest for a century and probably since 1900 or before. Anyone like to
elaborate on this???
"Rob Brooks" wrote in message
Scotland mean for Dec/Jan +0.3 C. This is the coldest t his century
beating all other cold years - amazing. Not quite as cold for England and
Wales but still as we thought - coldest since 1981/82.
I'm surprised it's showing up as being colder than Dec81/Jan 82 Rob, the
mean in this area then was -0.6ºC for those two months combined... Whereas
for Dec09/Jan10 it's very likely to be -0.0ºC.
Dec39/Jan40 was probably also lower than this value, but no others were
negative during the December+January period.
See my latest post [WR] hard frost, negative January in Wishaw for more
historical perspective.