Writing as a mere layman ,apart from the ridiculous about turnabouts from
the Met Office what suprises me most is the reliance on the models shown by
the 'experts' on this group.They are pored over and dissected every six
hours with renewed forecasts being issued daily,most of which are wrong
,unless of course we are in a mobile Westerly where models are fairly
irrelevant anyway
It is likely the cost of all this modelling is enormous (although it does
keep a lot of people off the unemployment lists I suppose),so my question is
,what is the point of this slavish reliance on computer models ?, one
forecast issued every 24 hours would more than suffice,and reduce the
chances of getting it wrong by 75% .
By the way,is there any of you Met Office employed guys out there ready to
offer an explanation as to why the long forecasts went so bellyup this
PS Unless there a satisfactory reply within the next 24 hours I shall set
Lawrence upon you !