In article ,
Norman writes:
Well said that man! I think it is often forgotten that NWP is a tool (and a
very imperfect tool) intended to be used by experienced meteorologists. It's
not something that's intended to give the "right" answer to Joe Public.
Nevertheless, it's a bit of harmless fun for enthusiasts on here to try to pick
their way out to T+384 every 6 hours. Nobody really suffers any loss, except
perhaps to their ego :-)
Yes, that's my view too.
What I find less acceptable is that raw numerical
model output is regularly sold to gullible end users without any sort of
"health warning" and is also presented to Joe Public as a "forecast". That is
indefensible IMHO.
John Hall
"Acting is merely the art of keeping a large group of people
from coughing."
Sir Ralph Richardson (1902-83)