Hi Terry,
As I said in another thread the other day, I see a north-south temperature
divide with mild/cold air battle for a while before the Norwegian vortex
finally relents and we get into an easterly. Not sure of timing but it will
happen, the jet is too far south for zonal pattern to become established.
Best I can do!
"TT" wrote in message
will, whats your take on the models?
its seems to be changing hour by hour..
mild win or cold win?
Will Hand wrote:
"Ken Cook" wrote in message
On 2 Feb, 18:15, "Alex Stephens Jr"
It's snowed on four of the last five days here and more is forecast for
tomorrow night and Thursday morning. So potentially snow on six out of
days this week. The mean temperature for the last five days is sub zero
here. By any stretch of the imagination it's not mild. In fact I think
both colder and snowier than the GFS or met office forecast for this
time 7
days ago.
The suckers gap never really existed except in the permanent search for
siberian easterly forecast 7 days in advance.
I'm not sure whether people are trying to see 2 weeks in advance or
the edge of their nose sometimes.
Alex, somewhere up north.- Hide quoted text -
Hi, Alex,
Same here, they do make me smile sometimes.
Copley - not so far north but far enough, thank goodness!
The Atlantic gives me more snow than any easterly usually.
Even in the last spell the easterly delivered only 7-8cm whereas as soon
as the Atlantic air started to move in we got 22cm. The snow does last
longer in easterlies though admittedly.
At least being out west I can rotate the map and pretend that west is the
new north especially as it is uphill to my house as well!
Will (Haytor, Devon)
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