Joe B update, winter is not over...
On Feb 4, 4:49*pm, Natsman wrote:
Not a rant, comrade, just telling it like it is.
And just for good measure I note with interest, and I confess, a
degree of satisfaction, that India are pulling out of the IPCC. *Could
this be the thin end of the wedge, I wonder? *Who knows...
Present some evidence that temperatures are decreasing then, rather
than ranting. Then someone who counts might believe you and yours. You
can refer to whatever politically inspired thing that you wish, but
until temperatures begin to decrease, very few scientists will believe
as you do - about Joe *******i's forecasting prowess, or GW.
Just present some evidence of global cooling having started next time
you post, or research Joe B's track record yourself and show us that
his past forecasting success demonstrates that really is a LRF guru.
If you believe in what you do so strongly that you feel the need to
constantly tell us your views are correct, that's *all* you have to do
to convince. That's surely very easy?