Joe B update, winter is not over...
Dawlish wrote:
On Feb 4, 4:49*pm, Natsman wrote:
Not a rant, comrade, just telling it like it is.
And just for good measure I note with interest, and I confess, a
degree of satisfaction, that India are pulling out of the IPCC. *Could
this be the thin end of the wedge, I wonder? *Who knows...
Present some evidence that temperatures are decreasing then
The tree ring data from Siberia that the CRU have shows temperatures
decreasing since the 60s. Or rather it did before they decided to 'hide
the decline'.
I don't believe for one minute that the temperature is lower now than in the
60s but how do we know which figures to believe? Which ones are real and
which are being massaged?
There's too many £trillions betting on run away global warming now so the
figures will show it happening regardless...
Brian Wakem