On Feb 6, 6:29*pm, "Keith(Southend)"
Just got back from Brighton and apart from a bit of mist going down this
morning almost unbroken sunshine. Spent a good part of the day at the
marina, always like the good light levels down there as it reflects both
off the sea and the chalk cliffs.
4.26 hours here in Southend today, not as much as Brighton, with a nax
of 9.7°C.
Keith (Southend)http://www.southendweather.net
e-mail: kreh at southendweather dot net
Another day when the Southampton area was relatively cold, I guessed
7C max and looking at the hourly readings that was indeed correct.
More or less continuously sunny from 14:00 to 16:45, and occasionally
sunny over lunch - but quite a bite in the northeast wind.
Completely different to yesterday's archetypally-Atlantic conditions -
it's quite amazing how the charts have changed in 24 hours.
On the plus side the air felt very dry - though on the minus side
visibility was very poor, less than 10 miles.