.... I am not interested in snowfall at Christmass.
I do note that the first fine weather slated for the spring (having
written off the rest of this year in previous posts) is at the end of
Of course as we all know, the weather is intimately connected to other
geophysical phenomena such as seismicity etc; so it will come as no
suprise that the forecasts will be in error.
But here is how they run:
2005 Phases of the Moon
Universal Time
d h m d h m d h m d h m
JAN. 3 17 46
JAN. 10 12 03 JAN. 17 6 57 JAN. 25 10 32 FEB. 2 7 27
FEB. 8 22 28 FEB. 16 0 16 FEB. 24 4 54 MAR. 3 17 36
MAR. 10 9 10 MAR. 17 19 19
On the 24th of Feb the weather will be anticyclonic with the associated
cold spell. After so much rainfall and upheaval I suspect a large
snowfall to result. All the more so as the following spell (3rd March)
is similar but more unstable -and the one after that thundery.
We seem to be in a season or cycle of equinoctial storms once more
-after a run of severe winter ones at Crimbo. Seeing as the storms are
the result of dissipation of heat, does this mean that the solstice will
be as cold as winters can be without the influence of storms?
The events from now to the end of this year seem to be:
28 OCT. thundery.
5 NOV. misty.
12 NOV. (tricky one this: 14:27 as it tends toward severe seismic
disturbances) what was the weather like in the middle of September?
19 NOV. misty once again.
26 NOV. I have this as fine but a similarly timed phase in may got this
interpretation from Darren Prescott:
http://mygate.mailgate.org/mynews/uk/uk.sci.weather/c96mld$hfi$1%40newsg3.svr.pol.co.uk?order=smart&p= 107/897
(calling up threads from the past in Google only gets you a few weeks
back. Hitting the back arrow on the Mailgate server will get you the
lot. I don't know how other usenet servers will work for it but the
title of the post was: Today's model interpretation (28/05/04))
5 DEC. Low pressure. (that's all the time of the phases give but from
the declination of the sun and moon you can get a good idea where this
will track. If it hits the He Brides we get nice weather in North Wales
and the Midlands (generally)(unless you happen to be a He Bride that
12 DEC. stormy (hence too warm to snow.)
18 DEC. more windy weather.
26 DEC. thundery.
Yes, I do know what problem there are in getting onto that Italian site
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