If anyone knows what the weather was like in London on 23 November
1660, it will be someone on this newsgroup.
.... had time now to investigate this article further: according to
this site
the meeting referred to occurred on the *28th* of November (in the
calendar of the time), and they presumably should know.
Now, looking at Pepys' diary transcription (interpretation) here ...
there is nothing within the 28th text to suggest anything untoward,
however, on the following day (29th) we have ...
"In the morning seeing a great deal of foul water come into my parlour
from under the partition between me and Mr. Davis, I did step thither
to him and tell him of it, and he did seem very ready to have it
stopt, and ... "
This may be no more than a maidservant slopping-out a little too
vigorously or somesuch, but it might also imply that there had been
rain in the night which had cause 'foul water' from whatever source to
back up.
As John said elsewhere, it would seem plausible that one of the
gentlemen attending had actually noted the weather.
Martin Rowley
West Moors, East Dorset (UK): 17m (56ft) amsl
Lat: 50.82N Long: 01.88W
NGR: SU 082 023