[WR] Haytor (A foot of rain !)
Hi Will,
some decent downpours over the past three days have boosted the Exeter
monthly total to about half a foot!
27th 16.9 mm
28th 20.3 mm
29th 14.9 mm
This is also around 2" over the three days, a lot for the Exeter rain
shadow area! I guess that's it for the month unless we get any showers
today though,
cheers, Pete
SE Exeter
Will wrote:
Yes the heavy rain (circa 2") in past couple of days has now increased my
monthly rainfall total for October 2004 to 314.1 mm. More than a foot !
And an average of 10mm/day, which is a sobering thought.
This is the highest rainfall monthly total I have ever recorded in my life both
professionally and personally. Mind you this is the first time I have ever
lived/worked in a high rainfall area.
To celebrate I will be pouring myself half a shandy this evening :-)
YES - COME ON - YOU CAN DO IT - Brilliant !
Ecstatic cheers,