In article
Alastair writes:
Dr Roy Spencer has posted a map of the global temperatures in the
lower troposphere measured by satellite he
It shows a cold USA and Europe but a warm Canada and Arctic.
I thought that the warm Arctic might be causing the cold Europe, but
could not see how.
He has also included a map from the previous El Nino which is similar
to this one, so it seems that the current El Nino is causing the warm
Arctic and cold Europe! I think when El Nino peaks (Jan = yes, Apr =
no) may be a crucial factor in determining whether we get snow.
Cheers, Alastair.
I think it would be dangerous to draw any firm conclusions based on a
sample size of only two. Besides, the effect of an El Nino peaking in
April is likely to be different from one peaking in January, since
circulation patterns are likely to be very different at different times
of year.
John Hall
"Acting is merely the art of keeping a large group of people
from coughing."
Sir Ralph Richardson (1902-83)