Hansen colleague rejected IPCC AR4 ES as having "no scientificmerit", but what does IPCC do?
" Just over two years ago, Rajendra K. Pachauri seemed destined for a
scientist’s version of sainthood: A vegetarian economist-engineer who
leads the United Nations’ climate change panel, he accepted the 2007
Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the panel, sharing the honor with
former Vice President Al Gore."
" But Dr. Pachauri and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
are now under intense scrutiny, facing accusations of scientific
sloppiness and potential financial conflicts of interest from climate
skeptics, right-leaning politicians and even some mainstream
scientists. Senator John Barrasso, a Wyoming Republican, called for
Dr. Pachauri’s resignation last week."
This is a witch hunt! There's no validation for this. U people have
use hindsight - that still has no scientific formalities by which to
even establish grounds to call for a resignation; and then to
prosecute a decorated Dr because of his position? This senator
probably wouldn't know science even it it bit him on the arse! This
is a typical sneaky political play that has no foundation from which
to attack. sloppy science? how? why? just because we're still
forming an overall guide, doesn't make the old standard -namely
temperature driven -and therefore collections of that data -- doesn't
make it sloppy -- just in need of improving.
There's no way I'm being part of this, and it definitely hasn't a leg
to stand on.
"Critics, writing in Britain’s Sunday Telegraph and elsewhere, have
accused Dr. Pachauri of profiting from his work as an adviser to
businesses, including Deutsche Bank and Pegasus Capital Advisors, a
New York investment firm — a claim he denies."
& quite rightly so. Everything that has happened has been sequential
in progression, which is obvious according to the first quoted
paragraph. How is that premeditated in anyway? U cannot give a man a
position which by virtue of that position vocates him the position as
an advisor, then cut him down for acting in that capacity. That is
Anthrogenic GW is provable using GR and enthropy -- so leave the good
Dr alone. just because we're still in catch up, doesn't mean witch
hunting idiots should be empowered.