Wills credibility on the line..............
In article
MOLE writes:
Good luck with your forecast of the severe Blizzard Will,
I'm pretty sure that that posting was made somewhat tongue in cheek,
unlike Will's more general post about the coming week. He's well aware
that forecasting in that degree of detail some eight days ahead isn't
possible. The models might suggest a Low in the right place at the
moment, but it could all change with the next set of runs.
Certainly looks like the models are now going for it to turn much very
much colder as we head into the middle of next week and beyond.
And even mild ramper Darren Betts is talking up the threat of snow for
next week,so things are looking up.
OTOH Paul Bartlett is being much more cautious on his Rutland Weather
page, as is his wont.
John Hall
"Acting is merely the art of keeping a large group of people
from coughing."
Sir Ralph Richardson (1902-83)